
Vascarta Inc.


  • How any individual uses Vascarta transdermal curcumin should be at the direction of his/her physician.
  • Your individual results may not match the results achieved by others.
  • These reviews are as received by Vascarta unedited except for minor spelling, grammar, or clarity adjustments.

Vascarta topical/transdermal curcumin REVIEWS:

“Just wanted to thank you again for the anti-inflammatory treatment. It has relieved my ankle and heel pain to a degree that is hard to believe.  I’m walking without pain and without a limp. Very thankful.” F.E.

“I would like to share my experiences with recent use of your fine product.  I am fortunate to have learned of it.  I was recently diagnosed with moderate arthrosis in the left hip as the cause of pain that was becoming intolerable. I tried high doses, and in combinations, of over-the-counter pain relievers with bare minimal results. Even with a walking stick, at times, even very short distances were proving exceedingly difficult to navigate without great discomfort.  The pain is normally in the left thigh, buttock, and hip.  The first day after using the product I could sense an improvement. I use a large drop daily, sometimes 2x daily, to rub into all the painful areas.  In the following several days I experienced periods of some relief, but also periods with great pain.  After about a week, I enjoyed long periods of only mild pain. But these were interrupted with sudden bouts of much greater pain.  At times I despaired that even this new “miracle” pain reliever would not be able to deliver much needed comfort.  I am writing now because today, some 8 days after beginning treatment, I experienced a day without any great discomfort.  At times I felt minimal to moderate pain.  I did not apply any of the oil today, nor have I taken any pain relief pills.  This product is amazing beyond anything I could imagine short of drugs that result in horrific addiction.  The product should be further tested for potential applications and developed into an accessible product (with prescription).  Yes, some yellow stains are hard to avoid, but anybody experiencing debilitating pain can only laugh if that is the worst side-effect.  I hope this product will become readily known and available.  The world awaits you. I am confident it will spare millions of persons from suffering any number of extreme pain conditions.” R.F.

“As someone who lives with a connective tissue disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), that causes pain, soft tissue injury, and joint dislocations, I have coped with chronic pain since age 10.  I have experimented with countless supplements, including but not limited to several formulations of turmeric, in addition to prescription medications.  Recently, after suffering a stroke at age 28 and a horrifically painful hemorrhage in the tissue surrounding my brain, my connective tissue disease and associated ongoing neck instability, took a turn for the worse.  My stroke caused a total lack of sensation on my right side, thereby rendering me more likely to dislocate my limbs and exacerbating my cervical spine symptoms.  Because I lost feeling and proprioception of my right shoulder, it dislocates nearly daily, thereby pulling on my scalp and re-triggering the pain associated with the subarachnoid hemorrhage.  Since my stroke, several joints on my left side are painful due to overuse, my neck instability is exacerbated, and I live with nerve pain running down either one or both legs due to an unstable pelvis and lower back.  No medications seemed to quell my pain until my mother came into contact with Dr. Friedman’s research.  His turmeric formulation has, without a doubt, changed my life.  It is only because of his work and the product that is an outgrowth thereof that I am able to pursue stroke rehabilitation without excruciating pain in my head, neck and limbs.  For example, because I am unable to feel my right leg, I have developed a tendency to fall and recently dislocated my left ankle completely.  Using his tincture sublingually, in addition to placing a small drop on the ankle joint itself, my ankle healed within a week, which is nothing short of miraculous, especially in the setting of EDS.  Before coming across Dr. Friedman’s formulation, it took me weeks to recover from a dislocation of that severity.  I am so grateful to have his tincture in my repertoire as it has drastically improved my quality of life.” E.K.

“Thank you for the opportunity to try the medication.  It definitely helped my hip pain. I need hip replacements.  It made me feel good enough that I undertook a 3-mile walk. The hips are just too far gone to do that without pain, however.  It has been nice to feel good if only for a short time.”  N.C.

“Substantially eased the pain in my arthritic left knee.  Minimal problems now going up or down stairs.“ P.S.

“Stopped pain due to severe knee osteoarthritis to the extent that I could resume playing basketball and practice martial arts.”  J.F.

“Put on medial knee fat pad, pain in medial knee from swim accident.  Put on at 8 am.  No sharp pain in my knee all day until that night.  Typically, I have pain intermittently all day long.  I was awed! K.K. MD

“Well, I finally got around to it.  I have wondered what hurts enough that I’d notice relief. Then I remembered that my golfer’s elbow is killing me.  It is much like tennis elbow but on the opposite side of the elbow. I actually think I have both golfer’s and tennis version.  I applied, as directed, then wrapped my elbow in cellophane cling.  Within 30 minutes, there was a noticeable difference.  I’d say my pain was 6 out of 10 and it went down to 3-4 out of 10.  I am impressed and will do so again this evening.” F.O.

“Mom with awful arthritis in knees tried Vasceptor yesterday for first time….she is without pain last night and today for first time in 15yrs….even walked around store for 30min before her legs tired out.” D.H.

“I used it last week for a painful gum sore – pain gone within 6 hr.” R.P.

“Enhanced performance endurance (from 30 minutes to over an hour) for intense non-stop drumming.” R.R.

“As we have discussed several times, I am finding that your formulation of transdermal curcumin has been extremely effective in reducing the knee pain that has previously limited my mobility, and will hopefully delay or prevent surgical intervention.  I think that your plan to explore other additional formulations, including addition of senolytics, is intriguing and I look forward to interacting with you in discussions about this in the future. Thanks again.” S.R.

“I recently fell and broke my back while hiking in the Grand Canyon.  I was airlifted to a hospital in New Jersey where I underwent extensive surgery.  Fortunately, I did not sever my spinal cord, but I suffered substantial post-surgical pain.  Once I started using the curcumin, it worked like magic for me.  I rubbed it on my side and after 30 minutes, I felt relief.  That’s amazing.” T.A.

“I wanted to give you a quick update on the status of my mother.  She has been using the drops sublingually twice a day.  It has been two weeks today.  On October 15, she had dystonia of the neck, and her speech was mostly unintelligible unless you knew the context and followed lip reading.  We coincidentally also changed her speech therapist at that time (I am told she is the best of the three we have had so far).  We also increased her caloric intake making it more protein and carb dense since the tube feedings are tolerated a little better.  All of us have noticed an improvement.  My brother gives some credit to the speech therapist.  However she had such a dystonic tongue- I am not sure any speech therapist could have done much.  Now 2 weeks later she is speaking a lot more clearly.  I can follow about 50-80% of what she is saying on video chats depending on how strong she is feeling and 100% if I know the context.  My dad who is a little hard of hearing is also able to understand what she has to say. She talked to me the other day about the difference in ‘elopement’ and ‘absconding’.  Today she told my brother very clearly that if he had any natural intelligence he would not ask her to repeat what she said.  We all cried some!  Her neck control is improved.  The dystonia is a little less. She does get physical therapy three times a week and massages several times a week.  Hot and cold fomentation daily.  We were doing the same previously as well but were not as intense.  She could walk with assistance at baseline.  Her balance is better per the nurses.  She is walking about 100 feet in the park daily as before but with assistance only on one side for balance versus both sides.  My father is calling it a 10% improvement.  She has Progressive Supranuclear Palsy which is a Parkinson’s variant that has a very progressive course.  Definitely there has been improvement which we have to attribute in great part to the Vascarta curcumin gel because nothing else changed.  We are now going down on her Syndopa today as well.  Had gone down on Amantadine previously.  Not sure what exactly is going on, but she is having more restlessness which has always happened with increased doses of Syndopa and Amantadine.  

Will keep you posted.”  J.P., MD

“Things have been very hectic in the week prior to my surgery, which finally happened this past Tuesday.  It was done with robotics, so I now have 6 laparoscopy holes in my belly.  The surgery went very well, and I came home Thursday.  Finally tried a drop of your magic drug last night, and my pain level is clearly decreasing.  My belly is a bit sore, but definitely easing, without using any other pain medication.  Can’t tell you how appreciative I am.”  I.L.

“I have been using Vascarta’s curcumin gel for over a year.  I have a form of ankylosing spondylitis and have been plagued with back pain that was very sharp on the right side.  It was of such intensity that it was difficult to even turn in the bed.  My back pain now is markedly improved along with improvement in the arthralgias in my knees and hands.  In addition to the improved arthralgias, I have noted significant improvement in stiffness and pain when getting out of the car when taking long trips.  Previously, I could hardly walk when I got out of the car after sitting for 2 – 3 hours.  Now I get out with only very mild stiffness.  The difference is remarkable.  I am very appreciative to have been introduced to this product.  It has made a real improvement in my ability to stay active.”  F.M., MD

“After going on a hike in Rocky Mountain National park, I developed left foot pain upon walking on hard surfaces.  I went to the physician assistant who x-rayed my foot which showed significant inflammation of the 3rd metatarsal bone. He recommended follow up with the podiatrist in the Tri County Orthopedic practice.  The podiatrist recommended I rest this foot for 6 weeks, but this did nothing to resolve the pain.  I returned to the podiatrist who ordered an MRI which ruled out a fracture, but showed my 3rd metatarsal bone was significantly inflamed.  I wore a boot for 6 weeks to limit the mobility of my foot which partially alleviated the pain.  I then returned to the podiatrist and was fitted to orthotics to alleviate pressure and pain in both my feet.  Finally, I did a 1-week trial of Vascarta 8.5% curcumin gel and achieved encouraging results in terms of lessening the soreness in my foot.  My podiatrist then wrote a prescription for the Vascarta gel which I started applying to bottom and top of my right foot.  After I applied the gel, I applied an unscented moisturizing cream to aid in the absorption through my skin, while using a medical grade exam glove to prevent staining of my hand from the yellow curcumin color.  After approximately 3-4 weeks, I had relief from the pain if I regularly used the gel, but if I missed a day, I noticed the difference (more pain).  I recently started walking and hiking again and mild discomfort has returned, but not to the extent that it was prior to using the gel.  In summary, I have gotten significant pain relief from the gel in my left foot – not 100%, maybe 65%.  Interestingly, when using the Vascarta gel on my problem foot (left), I noticed it had less inflammation symptoms than my other foot (right) which was untreated.  As a result, I have changed my method.  I use the curcumin gel on my left foot and while I still have the medical glove on I put moisturizing cream on that foot.  After that, since there’s still some curcumin gel stuff on the glove, I then apply that to my right foot.  This way both feet are happier!”  P.B.

“I am a 75 year old women, mostly healthy with Type 2 diabetes on Jardiance and metformin with a hemoglobin A1C of 7.  I enjoy daily walking and try to get 10,000 steps.  I avoid oral anti-inflammatory medications which upset my stomach.  The orthopedic doctor found osteoarthritis in my left knee.  I have pain in that knee when I walk steps and especially downhill walks.  I began using Vascarta curcumin gel 8.5% a few months ago.  I apply it to my knee at night before bed, wearing old pajamas, so that the minimal staining is not a bother.  I am now pain free and have not had any side effects.  Now I use Vasceptor twice weekly, and the results remain.  I can now walk 10,000 steps daily pain free and I am happy with the medication.”  N.S.

“I am a physiatrist, a doctor who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation.  Over the last six months, I’ve given single dose applications of Vascarta curcumin gel 8.5% to multiple patients.  Here is my summary of results:  The Vascarta gel was highly effective in rapidly reducing pain originating from both local conditions including osteoarthritis in knee, elbow, and shoulder, and acute injuries (torn knee meniscus).  Most notable was the rapid and efficient reduction in pain associated with a case of plantar fasciitis and the almost immediate restoration of movement in a case of trigger finger.”  J.Y., MD


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