Four (4) US patents have already been granted to Vascarta:
- Patent – Vascarta – US11484493 B2 – published 1Nov2022
- Patent – Vascarta – US11786456 B2 – published 17Oct2023
- Patent – Vascarta – US11786561 B2 – published 17Oct2023
- Patent – Vascarta – US11786712 B2 – published 17Oct2023
Vascarta has also obtained two (2) patents outside the US:
Broadly*, the granted patents cover methods of treating a wide and ever-growing variety of health conditions, including (extracted from the patents):
- hypertension, inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, endothelial dysfunction, dermatological condition, ophthalmological condition, bacterial infection, viral infection, ischemia reperfusion injury, hypoxia reoxygenation injury, cytokine storm phenomena, cerebral malaria, Chagas disease, hemoglobinopathies, type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, Lupus, long Covid, vascular leakage.
- stroke and microemboli, open wound, sexual dysfunction, bladder dysfunction, sickle cell disease, and pain
- renal failure; hypertension, stroke and microemboli, open wound, sexual dysfunction, bladder dysfunction, sickle cell disease, and pain.
- inflammatory skin conditions and formation of biofilm associated with bacterial growth.
By making use of Vascarta’s topical, transdermal patents in combination with a potential partner’s current patents on existing drugs and new molecules in development, a potential partner not only could improve bioavailability and effectiveness of many of its molecules, but also strengthen and extend patent protection.
*Subject to patent counsel review and discussion under confidentiality.